Tustin, CA 12345


Important Conversations

When the time comes to explore senior living options for your loved one, it’s natural to feel uneasy about discussing the transition. However, these conversations are crucial and can be more productive if you approach them well-prepared.

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    Tips to Help Your Conversation

    This stage of life can be stressful and emotional, but the following tips may help make your discussions more positive:

    Do your homework. Understanding the specific level of care your loved one may need can streamline your research and help you approach the conversation more effectively.

    • Consider, “How would I feel?” Putting yourself in your loved one’s shoes can help you better understand their fears and apprehensions.
    • Choose your words thoughtfully. Terms like “assisted living” and “community” are less intimidating than “nursing home” and “facility.”
    • Be mindful of your tone. Speak in a calm and reassuring voice, and strive to maintain that tone even if your loved one becomes upset.
    • Avoid an “us vs. them” mentality. Offer to involve your loved one in the research process and consider their input. Show them the Saint Haven Manor website, and let them know they can bring their dog and furniture. Including them in community tours may also increase their investment in the process.
    • Respect their wishes. If your loved one prefers that you handle the process, respect their decision and work to make the transition as smooth as possible.

    Involve an unbiased third party. Bringing someone like a doctor or close friend into the conversation can help keep the discussion focused and grounded.
    Get your family members on board. Family tensions can add stress to an already challenging situation. Connect with your family beforehand to ensure everyone is on the same page.

    • Don’t expect to reach a decision after one conversation. Resistance to change is normal. Give your loved one time to consider the idea of receiving assistance or moving.
      Keep the conversation going. Set aside time to revisit the topic after your initial talk and continue to approach the subject with care and sensitivity.


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